Foxstone in 2020

2020 was a year rich in trials. We are proud to have overcome them, thanks to the trust our customers have placed in us and with the support of our partners, and to be able to present you with the key achievements of Foxstone. We look forward to new challenges in 2021.
2020: real estate crowdfunding becomes an unavoidable alternative in French-speaking Switzerland
Hundreds of Swiss people came together on Foxstone and together acquired about ten investment properties in the cantons of Vaud and Fribourg for a total value of CHF 40 million.
The number of registered users on the platform has increased by 100% to more than 10’000 members, making Foxstone the largest community of real estate crowdfunders in French-speaking Switzerland.
This strong growth has made it possible to considerably reduce the time required to finance an offer as acquisitions have taken place. The last property, worth CHF 8.25 million, offered on the platform at the end of December found buyers in less than two weeks.
The co-owners of the properties received more than CHF 700,000 in rental income in 2020.
In a context where the coronavirus pandemic continues to create uncertainty, the solidity of the Swiss residential real estate sector is attracting an ever-increasing number of savers. Today, Foxstone presents itself as the solution that provides direct access to this sector with an affordable investment.
With a view to continually improving the user experience and simplifying the investment process, many innovative features have been developed throughout the year, such as 100% digital co-owner meetings.
Outlook for 2021
2021 will see the implementation of many innovations, both in terms of investment and technology.
The first crowdlending loan offer was launched in January. This twelve-month loan for a total amount of CHF 1.8 million at 5% for a real estate development project in Tour-de-Peilz was fully subscribed from the very first hours of its launch. Numerous other projects are currently being analyzed.
Foxstone has become a member of the CMTA, an independent association that brings together the major Swiss players in the financial, technology and legal sectors and aims to create common standards for the issuance, distribution and trading of securities in token form through the use of blockchain. This is an important step towards the tokenization of real estate assets.
The entire Foxstone team would like to thank the members of our community and our partners for the trust they have placed in us; together we will continue to take further steps in the democratization of real estate investment in Switzerland.